CMS M Series Multi-stage Mini Vacuum Pump
Designed to meet the demanding needs of industrial users, the CMS M series mini vacuum pump combines robustness, performance, and modularity, offering an optimum solution for applications requiring high suction flow rates, such as gripping porous parts, emptying tanks, or material handling when integrated into vacuum grippers.
Discover the new CMS M Series multi-stage mini vacuum pumps
Key features of CMS M multi-stage mini vacuum pumps:
• Up to 80% vacuum.
• 2 powerful suction flow rates:
‐ CMSM90X15__ > 10.59 SCFM
‐ CMSM90X30__ > 19.42 SCFM
• With or without vacuum and blow-off control.
• Vacuum control: NC, NO.
• One M12 4-pin male connector.
• 2 exhaust configurations.
Thanks to their ultra-compact design and optimized multi-stage venturi system, CMS M Series mini vacuum pumps guarantee powerful suction flow rates while reducing compressed air consumption in a compact footprint.
Primary Functions of Multi-stage Technology
Multi-stage technology consists of maximizing the energy input of the compressed air by cascading several stages of Venturi profiles and by combining their respective flows. Intermediate valves allow the progressive isolation of each stage to obtain a maximum vacuum level. This technology makes it possible to generate a high suction flow rate at a low vacuum level.
This innovation reflects COVAL's commitment to providing efficient, energy-saving solutions for industry.
The performance of the CMS M series multistage mini-vacuum pumps:
The CMS M series stands out for its modularity, making it easy to adapt to different applications and to maintain.