Products / Coval - Vacuum managers

Island assembly with 4 x LEMAXIO mini-vacuum pump IO-Link, 85% max.vacuum, 1.4 mm nozzle ID, vacuum controlled 24 V DC NO and controlled blow-off 24 V DC NC electronic vacuum switch, 1 x M8 connectors4 pins.
ref. : LEMAXIO90X14VC14B4
type of product (typp) Venturi
Nozzle diameter (Ø) 1.4mm
Vacuum Flow (aa) 2.45SCFM
Generator Control (PG) NO/NC
models (mod) Island of 4 modules
Option (Opt) -
for islands mounting (Ilot) 4 modules
Protocole (Pro) IO-Link
Connection (Cx) M8-4pin
Pneumatic diagram
Vacuum pump controlled by a Normally Open (NO) solenoid valve
. In the event of an electrical shut-off, the vacuum continues to be generated: gripped object held => positive security.
. Blow-off controlled by a specific signal.
Electrical Connections
Note: Max. total cable length: 20 meters
3D Model

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