Products / Coval - Vacuum managers

Vacuum Grippers
Vacuum GrippersCOVAL develops customized solutions on demand for automated applications in various sectors, such as packaging, food processing and plastic processing.

We intervene throughout the production chain, from the individual handling of objects to complete end-of-line layer palletization.

From components for vacuum automation to complete grippers, our know-how and experience allow us to assist you with the technical definition of a solution that will perfectly meet your needs and requirements.
Carbon Vacuum Grippers for Cobots, CVGC Series
Carbon Vacuum Grippers for Cobots, CVGC Series
. 3 standard formats (240x120, 320x160 et 350x250 mm)
. Ultra-light and compact, due to their carbon design
. Gripping interface with foam or suction cups
. Fully integrated, allowing for an easy and fast installation
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Compact and Light Vacuum Grippers, CVGL Series
Compact and Light Vacuum Grippers, CVGL Series
. 3 standard lenghts (424, 624, 824 mm)
. Light and compact
. Configurable gripping interface (foam, suction cups, COVAL-flex)
. Vacuum generators intgrated or separated
. Multi-zone
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Modular Vacuum Grippers, MVG Series
Modular Vacuum Grippers, MVG Series
. Custom sizing from 150x150 to 1200x1000 mm
. Ultra-light
. Configurable gripping interface (foam, suction cups, COVAL-flex)
. External or independant vacuum generation
. Multi-zone
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Mini vacuum gripper, CVGM Series
Mini vacuum gripper, CVGM Series
. 1 format: 130x60 mm
. Ultra-light and compact
. Easy integration
. Ideal for for gripping light and porous objects, such as protective masks, fabric or leather cut-outs
. Designed in food-grade materials
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Bags/sacks Gripping System, CSGS series
Bags/sacks Gripping System, CSGS series
. 2 lifting capacities: 35 and 60 kgs
. 2 suction cups sizes are available
. 4 levels of suction power
. Robust and compact
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COVAL Grippers, VAL series
COVAL Grippers, VAL series
For the individual gripping of specific products, we offer a custom-designed gripping tool that will perfectly blend into your environment.
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